Saturday, August 31, 2024

Oh, My! New SuperPAC Ad Is Devastating!

And Now The Latest From Rasmussen Polling

How To Even Begin To Describe His Impact . . .

Testa Blasts NJ BPU For Lack Of Representation

Senator Michael Testa (R-1) called out the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) for their lack of representation in South Jersey as no members of the board live south of Lambertville.   

"South Jersey residents lack proper representation from the BPU because none of their members actually live in our communities," said Sen. Testa. “Without these critical local ties, BPU officials fail to fully understand how their policy decisions impact our local residents and businesses and lead to higher energy costs. South Jersey communities deserve to have real representation from the BPU to fully grasp how certain decisions will affect our lives.”

Senator Testa is exploring legislative solutions to ensure there is equal representation from the BPU throughout the entire state of New Jersey.

“This is yet another example of how those making major, long-lasting decisions in Trenton forget about the hardworking families and small businesses in South Jersey,” Sen. Testa concluded. 

The Greatest Dance Routine Ever Performed!

The Numbers DSpeak For Themselves . . .


Friday, August 30, 2024

Right Now, Watch It And Judge For Yourself . . .

Odds Now Show trump With 6.5% Edge


forecast (chance of winning) 🟥 Trump: 53.1% 🟦 Harris: 46.6% —— Swing States: chance of winning Pennsylvania - 🔴 Trump 52-48% Nevada - 🔴 Trump 53-47% Arizona - 🔴 Trump 62-38% Georgia - 🔴 Trump 64-36% North Carolina - 🔴 Trump 66-34% Wisconsin - 🔵 Harris 55-45% Michigan - 🔵 Harris 55-45%

18 Reasons Why Summer Is Far From Over!


The perpetuation of the ridiculous myth that summer ends on Labor Day must stop. This nonsense must end.
We ask you: Does winter end as soon as the calendar says it's March? We like to think that it does, but we know it does not.
And we all know that winter doesn't begin on December 1, even though by that date we're already overwhelmed by the senseless rush toward (and commercialization of) Christmas.
So, summer doesn't start at the end of May (Memorial Day) and it doesn't end at the beginning of September (Labor Day). Those artificial bookends of summer are bogus. That's why we're still experiencing summer weather right now. 
Summer doesn't end till September 23rd.
Which means we still have wonderful days of summer left to enjoy. And these days are among the best in the year.
With that in mind (and in no particular order) here are 18 big reasons to hold onto summer:

1) The beach. You can really enjoy it now since the kids are gone, it's blessedly uncrowded and there are no beach fees!

2) The sun. It bathes you at a beautiful angle this time of year.

3) The evenings. Just a bit cooler and more refreshing now than at the middle of the season.

4) Outdoor athletic activities. Much more fun now!

5) Lazy afternoons. You can still sneak away for some fishin, walkin, sky-gazing or whatever.

6) Fairs and carnivals. Some of the best ones are held now.

7) Late summer blooms. These include coneflower, asters, mums, Russian sage and heliotrope.

9) Travel bargains. At many locations the cost of lodging and dining is slashed as summer winds down.

10) The ocean water temperature. It's generally warmer now and much more enjoyable.

11) Late summer vegetables: corn, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, melons (even some peaches) and plums, all still available.

12) Baseball. The grand finale as we run up to the playoffs and World Series. 

13) Quietness. Most of your favorite open-air spots are quieter now so you can really listen to the sound of nature.

14) Fewer bugs buzzing. Except for those damned yellow jacks, you won't have to worry as much about insects.

15) Energy savings. Go ahead, open the window.

16) Al fresco dining. As nice this time of year as it's ever gonna be.

17) That deep, deep, green. Catch it before the trees begin to turn.

18) Summer's endless spirit. That spirit is still here and the moments and memories your savor during these final days of summer will warm you all the way through till next year

Thursday, August 29, 2024

While He's Beachside, They Pour Into The Country!

We Must Say, The Resemblance Is A Bit Uncanny!


Oh, My! Now THIS Is Creating A LOT Of Buzz!

She Says: 'My Values Have Not Changed!'

It took just a few seconds into Kamala Harris' CNN interview to admit her "VALUES HAVE NOT CHANGED."

Kamala's "values":

And so much more.


It's who Kamala Harris is — weak, failed, and dangerously liberal.

This Is Outrageous -- And A Disgrace!


NJ Senate Race Poll Shows Bashaw Making Inroads!

A new poll released by prominent polling firm National Research Inc. shows the race the race for United States Senate in New Jersey is currently within the margin of error. 

According to the survey of 600 likely voters conducted between August 13-15, Republican Curtis Bashaw trails Democrat Andy Kim by 5 points, 33%-38%. This spread is almost identical to the generic ballot, where the generic Republican trails the generic Democrat by 4 points, 41%-45%. Both of these spreads are within the poll's margin of error of +/-4%. 

In a memo to interested parties, highly-regarded pollster Adam Geller said, "Congressman Kim's record of supporting far left organizations and legislation is out of the mainstream of most New Jerseyans - including most moderate, middle class Democrats."

Geller pointed to Kim’s position of well below 50% on the ballot test saying, "Andy Kim is the weakest Democrat of any major U.S. Senate race taking place this year. Because Kim is relatively unknown in a large state with very expensive media markets, he is likely far easier to defeat than popular multi-term Democratic incumbents or better-known Democratic figures in supposedly better states for Republicans.”

It's New And It's Very Direct, Very Effective,

Here It Is, In The Simplest Terms Possible . . .


This One Looks Like It's Gonna Be Fun!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It's A Shame That This Even Has To Be Said!


And Now, The Ultimate Reveal -- Don't Miss It!


Meanwhile, Back In The REAL World . . .


Big Liberal Media Won't Show Them - But WE Will!

Yes, It's A Question Worth Asking . . .


No One Should Be Surprised By This . . .

Since She Loves These Diagrams So Much . . .


This Brief Clip Will Tell You A Lot!

Monday, August 26, 2024

VIDEO: An Amazingly Compelling Endorsement!

Too Many Voters Are Still CLUELESS!


The Trend Line Is Clear; The Flight Is Real!


Donalds Has A Superb Way Of Explaining It All!

This All Makes Perfect Sense To Us!


Sacrificed On Behalf Of Biden/Harris Senselessness!


Maybe She Ought To Just Debate Herself!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hard To Imagine A Better Team Than This!


RFK Jr. On The Real Meaning Of MAGA

From Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

What "MAGA" really means The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women's rights. But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today. "Make America Great Again" recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world's most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. And it was the healthiest country in the world. I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Laughable? Yes, But Also Sad At This Point . . .


Yeah, She Chairs The National Space Council, OMG!

Top Moments From Trump's Headline-Making Event!

President Donald J. Trump wrapped up remarks in Glendale, Arizona, where he spoke about his vision to lower the cost of living, secure the border, and make our cities safe again — and received key endorsements from special guests. 

Here are the top MUST WATCH moments you missed:

  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., endorsed President Trump: "Don't you want a safe environment for your children? ... Don't you want a president who's going to Make America Healthy Again?"

  • President Trump pledged to join with RFK, Jr. as they battle the political elites: "Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to the people."

  • President Trump welcomed new supporters into the Make America Great Again movement: "We're welcoming support from millions of disaffected Democrats, Independents, moderates and old-fashioned liberals who still believe in things like borders ... democracy, liberty, and, of course, always the right of free speech."

  • President Trump was endorsed by the Arizona Police Officers Association: "If you support law enforcement and safe communities, vote Trump."

  • President Trump called out Kamala Harris for the brazen lies in her convention speech: "She lied about everything!"

  • President Trump hammered Kamala Harris over the epidemic of missing migrant children on her watch: "Many of these children are now in sex slavery or dead, never to see their homes or their parents again."

  • President Trump laid out his vision of returning America to economic prosperity once again: "Together, we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy, low interest costs, low inflation ... we want to make sure everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a home."

And Now, A Special Message From Catholic Vote

I have not shared this publicly before.

But yesterday’s news prompted me to reconsider.

Back in January I received a phone call from a friend. He was connected to the RFK campaign and thought some of the things I was saying about the pro-life issue could be of help to “Bobby.”

I was skeptical. Who wouldn’t be.
Bobby Kennedy wasn’t exactly saying things that would immediately attract the Catholic voters I know. Or was he? He was a Democrat, turned independent, best known at the time for his vaccine skepticism, with some challenges in his personal life to boot.

Most importantly, he was publicly pro-abortion — and we were on the cusp of endorsing Trump.

Pro-abortion politicians aren’t usually eager to talk to me.
But this was different.

I learned quickly that RFK was no ordinary politician. He wasn’t simply interested in money or support. He was genuinely curious. He wanted fresh ideas on how to break the partisan stalemate on abortion.

I also learned that RFK was still very much attached to the faith of his childhood — albeit not in the same way as you and me. I was told that while he doesn’t regularly attend Mass (if at all), he still prays daily — including the rosary.
Several months after we began talking, he was interviewed by EWTN. In that interview he talked about growing up Catholic:
“We said the Rosary at least once a day, oftentimes three times a day. We prayed before and after every [meal]. We read the Bible every night. We read the lives of the saints. We went to church…it was our whole family, and it was really our whole community. It was part of me growing up.”
Over the course of several months, I had countless conversations with his team, including several calls with his family, and calls with RFK directly. We obviously disagreed on the question of whether abortion should remain legal. But he wanted to explore how we could reduce abortions — and more importantly — genuinely help women who feel coerced into having an abortion.
In a breakthrough moment (which the media ignored), while speaking to a group of supporters earlier this year, he said out loud what we did discuss and agreed on — it’s time we spend as much money on helping women who want to keep their child as we do on accessing abortion.
In the course of my conversations with his advisors, his family, and Bobby himself, we talked about prayer, faith, the Catholic principle of solidarity, Pope Francis, IVF, and many other topics.

On IVF, for example, one of his closest advisors suggested that the IVF controversy raging at the time ignored the question of why IVF was perceived to be needed in the first place — namely, why our culture and our economy penalize getting married young, and discourage having children young. Further, why women are waiting until their mid to late 30’s to begin having children, after spending years being told to fill their bodies with chemicals — and then are shocked at their inability to conceive.

Why am I sharing this?
Yesterday RFK gave one of the most substantive and powerful speeches of this electoral cycle. It was powerful because it was so different from what we typically hear from our political leaders. He called out those forces aligned against our children and our way of life. He spoke truth to power.

And he talked about how the Democratic Party is a big part of the problem.
While he focused on chronic disease, mental health, governmental censorship, and endless wars, his real point was that a massive government-corporate complex now seeks to run our lives, censor our speech, and control our children. And that these governmental agencies, aligned with big business monopolies, are not only making billions of dollars — they are utterly failing us (even killing us).
Perhaps his most powerful line: “we need to choose to love our children more than we hate each other.”
He didn’t call them out, and likely doesn’t realize it yet, but he perfectly described Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. And Anthony Fauci and the global health tyrants that sought to bring about a “great reset” with COVID.
RFK doesn’t agree with us on many things. He also doesn’t agree with Trump on many things. But he understands the threat posed by Kamala Harris.
The culture of death that we are fighting relies on a massive system of control and profit — crony capitalism aided by governmental regulation and power that enriches its adherents, and punishes dissent. It may not seem directly related to the issue of abortion and marriage, families and religion.

But it is.

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance — and now RFK  — are bravely willing to call out the corruption and failures of our ruling class.

They want to break up the new oligarchy that seeks to rule us.

And give us back our freedom.
And our country.

They deserve the support of every Catholic in America.
And we intend to help deliver it.

Brian Birch, Presdident,

P.S. The events of the last 24 hours just made the 2024 election more important than ever. We’ve had an assassination attempt, a coup, and now a dramatic “team of rivals” unity ticket. Your prayers, fasting, activism and support remain crucial.