Friday, March 15, 2013

Mitch McConnell At CPAC: No Crybabies!

Mitch McConnell's speaking now at CPAC and he's telling the GOP that if it doesn't stop going over and over last year's loss the Democrats "will eat our lunch again."
He's tired of the self-analysis and looking back. He wants Republicans to "look forward and fight back."
He praises Rand Paul as a modern-day "warrior." And he adds: "Don't tell
me that Republicans are for millionaires are billionaires when Obama and his people are charging a half million bucks for folks to meet with him near the White House."
He says that Democrats are in charge of "managing expectations while we're all about enabling dreams."
McConnell says that the Democrat ticket for 2016 is "shaping up to look like a rerun of the Golden Girls. Don't tell me that's the party of the future."
McConnell may look like a turtle on TV and at times he may seem like a cranky old man. But he's surprisingly effective in person and while he may be facing a tough re-election battle in Kentucky next year, I wouldn't bet against him.
He concludes: "Our political power base isn't labor unions, it's the Constitution."
He says "this is a moment of renewal" and he extols the crowd to "punch back."

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