Friday, March 15, 2013

Trump At CPAC: Let's Take Back America

So here we are at CPAC again this morning where Donald Trump is delivering the opening remarks.
He says the GOP is in serious trouble.
He identifies himself as a conservative and says of the media and the rest of the country "they don't like to hear what we have to say."
He notes that the mainstream media are totally "in the pocket" for the Democrats.
Trump says the way to solve our problems is "to build a great economy." He says we "have to make America strong again and make America great again."
Trump has done his math and he says "the fact is, that no matter what, 11 million people will vote Democrat." These are the illegal immigrants who are becoming or will become immigrants.
Trump notes that we don't admit immigrants from Europe and he wonders why. We seem to want illegal immigrants (often poor, poorly skilled and unqualified) but turn away skilled immigrants from developed countries.
"Now, how stupid is that?" Trump asks.
Trump still has that weird hair and he seems a bit but full in the face today.
Trump notes that "I've made eight billion dollars and I employ thousands and thousands of people and yet you still see these people on TV -- ordinary people, but sometimes people who can't even get a job -- and they're standing there in a tee shirt saying 'Donald Trump's a bum.' You wanna believe these people' go ahead."
Whereas Marco Rubio has those big, dark eyes, you can't even see Trump's eyes. They're virtually squints. They're barely visible.
But he presents zippy arguments talking decisively (and very
much as a businessman) about America and its economy. He wants us to "take back America" by becoming a maker and producer country again and asserting our own self-interest in the world.

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