Thursday, April 25, 2013

Live Blogging George W. Bush Presidential Center, 2

Laura Bush is speaking now.
She looks wonderful and remains an elegant and gracious First Lady.
Mrs. Bush's hair looks beautiful and her makeup is simple and simply perfect. And she begins her remarks by remembering and saluting the military, the Secret Service and first responders and she says "this building is here because of your service."
She says this library is not just about one president but about the presidency and our nation "during that time." All of the library exhibits she says are "completely digital" and the library "belongs to all Americans."
She mentions 9/11, Katrina and "all the people who stepped forward to help others." She remembers the image of her husband standing amidst the rubble of the World Trade Center. She remembers "how steadfast and steady he was for eight years." "My George is a man who when someone is in needs a hand, he offers them his arms," she says. It's a poignant, personal tribute to her husband -- the man she obviously loves. And it's clear from his reaction to these words that he loves her as well.

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