Thursday, April 25, 2013

Live Blogging George W. Bush Presidential Center, 3

This is a traditional ceremony. Nothing "pop" here.
This is in the beloved tradition of the Bush family and its generous service to our country -- very patriotic.
Now Jimmy Carter is speaking.
He's wearing very dark sunglasses.
He talks about the little boy telling his did: "Daddy, when I grow up I want to be a former president." Funny, and cute.
He talks about how President Bush helped with the situation and Sudan and the elections there and says "President Bush kept his promise to me and he helped to bring about a peace treaty between North and South Sudan."
Carter talks about W's "great contributions to Africa" and extols these contributions point-by-point.
"Mr. President, I'm filled with admiration for you and deep gratitude to you for the contributions you've made to the most needy people on earth.
Now, President george H. W. Bush is speaking. Very brief. Very mush to the point. He makes a quick joke with his son afterwards and asks" "Too long?"
He receives huge applause and with the help of Barbara and W, he stands up for a moment. A very touching moment.
Now, Bill Clinton is speaking. "this is the latest, greatest sample of the eternal struggle of former presidents to rewrite history," he says. He says he's envious that W "beat me to be a grandfather, and I congratulate you and barbara for it."
He says "my mother told me not to talk too long today and Barbara, I will not let you down."
He tells the crowd that from time to time W would call him to talk politics and he hopes "there are no records of those conversations in this library."
He thanks W and Laura for "continuing their work in global health" and then he interjects politics and thanks W for supporting immigration reform "and I hope the Congress will follow President Obama on this."
Of W's art, he says "Those bathroom sketches are wonderful but at my age I think I should keep my suit." This is a reference to some of Bush's paintings which depict in in the bath or shower.

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