Monday, June 3, 2013

Chris Christie: 'I LOVE The Dan Cirucci Blog!'

On Saturday Chris Christie visited South Jersey and stopped to chat with us.
The Governor took the opportunity to tell us how much he enjoys the Dan Cirucci Blog. Governor Christie is an avid reader of the blog and has been since 2009 when we first met.
He has never missed a chance to tell us how much he enjoys the job we're doing with the blog. He shares our pride in New Jersey and appreciates our continuing efforts to keep you informed.
For our part, we can simply say this: In a lifetime of involvement in politics (and as lifelong residents of the Garden State) we've never encountered a leader quite like Chris Christie.
From the first day we met him (at a small gathering that attracted no more than 30 people) he has remained exactly who he is -- a genuine, honest-to-goodness Jersey guy who remembers people and greets them by name. He never forgets who he is and where he came from. He listens to people. He understands. He cares. He loves New Jersey and its people. And he deeply appreciates every bit of help and support that he receives.
But he ain't no pushover. He won"t tell you you're right when he thinks you're wrong. And if you cross him and he deems the issue or the situation worth it, you're likely to get a fight. Also, he does not suffer fools gladly.
Somehow, we recognized all this in him right from the start. We suppose it was just intuition -- that, and experience.
You see, it's really no great mystery -- especially if you've been around for awhile and you've spent some time at the School of Hard Knox. You can begin to sort the fool's gold from the genuine 14kt stuff. Yet, people continue to be fooled by "leaders" who aren't what they may appear to be.
Well, we don't have that problem in New Jersey -- not this time. We've got the Real Deal. And aren't we fortunate?
We are the envy of the nation.
People all over the country find this guy compelling, and rightly so. They love him.
So, thanks to Chris Christie we can now hold our heads high and say: "I'm from New Jersey!"
And when we say it, people now know we're truly unique; and that we're better, smarter, tougher -- just like our Governor!

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