Monday, June 3, 2013

Philly Tea Party Group: Appoint Special Posecutor

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association, the first conservative group in the nation to call on the Obama Administration to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal, says White House Advisor David Plouffe wrongly dismissed the need for a Special Prosecutor yesterday, while at the same time inferring that the Administration and the IRS can be trusted as they conduct their own separate investigations into the scandal.

"Plouffe's comments are laughable," said Association President Teri Adams.  "The White House is saying, in essence, that it should be trusted to investigate itself when its own credibility is in question on so many issues--ranging from Benghazi to the AP scandal.

"Somehow, we're suppose to put our faith in Eric Holder and the IRS chief to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal?

"According to a recent Quinnipiac Poll, 76% of Americans support the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.

"By delaying the appointment, the Administration is stonewalling and covering-up either for itself and/or its IRS allies," said Ms. Adams.

"The Obama Administration knows that a Special Prosecutor would be more likely to get to the bottom of the matter, because unlike the current heads of the ongoing investigations, a Special Prosecutor would be able to grant immunity to informers, initiate grand juries, and criminally indict anyone guilty of violating the law.

"Once again, we demand the Obama Administration appoint a Special Prosecutor."

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