Monday, July 15, 2013

Buono's Plan: Failed Policies, Higher Taxes, Lost Jobs

"Barbara Buono's proposals pick up right where she and Jon Corzine left off, with billions in irresponsible and unsustainable spending paid for with higher taxes and more fees. That record of mismanagement and her votes for 154 tax and fee increases cost our state 240,000 jobs, stunted growth, and created an economic hole that took years to dig out of. New Jerseyans know the damage that Buono's Corzine-era policies will do again to our state and will continue to reject them in favor of the economic growth and job creation Governor Christie's leadership has delivered."
– Kevin Roberts, Spokesperson for Chris Christie For Governor, 7/15/13

In her 18 years in the Legislature, Barbara Buono has voted to raise taxes and fees 154 times including:

35 Increased Taxes And Fees On Businesses.
24 Sales Tax Increases.
22 Higher Taxes And Fees On Builders And Developers.
8 Increases To Taxes On Health Care.
8 Increases To Taxes On Energy.
7 Increases To Income And Payroll Taxes.
6 Tax And Fee Increases On New Jersey’s Tourism Industry. (New Jersey Legislature, Legislator Voting Information: Senator Barbara Buono, Accessed: 7/15/13)

As of 2009, New Jersey had been ranked as the worst state business tax climate for four consecutive years. (“State Business Tax Climate Index Rankings, 2006 - 2011,” The Tax Foundation, 10/26/10)

During Barbara Buono's two years as the architect of Jon Corzine's budget, New Jersey lost nearly 240,000 private-sector jobs, including:

Over 48,000 Professional And Business Services Jobs. (New Jersey Department of Labor, Employment Statistics, January 2008 – January 2010; Accessed 7/15/13)
Nearly 40,000 Construction Jobs. (New Jersey Department of Labor, Employment Statistics, January 2008 – January 2010; Accessed 7/15/13)
Over 14,000 Leisure And Hospitality Jobs. (New Jersey Department of Labor, Employment Statistics, January 2008 – January 2010; Accessed 7/15/13)

Under Buono’s watch, New Jersey’s unemployment rate more than doubled from 4.6 percent to 9.7 percent. (New Jersey Department of Labor, Unemployment Rate, January 2008 – January 2010; Accessed 7/15/13)

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