Monday, July 15, 2013

Christie Picks Up 36th Major Democrat Endorsement

Continuing to expand on the remarkable amount of bipartisan support received in his campaign for reelection, Governor Christie was today endorsed by four more elected Democrats, including Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton, Council President Janice Venables, Councilman Bob Drasheff, and Councilwoman Priscilla Reilly. The endorsement stands as the fourteenth Democrat mayor to endorse Governor Christie and, along with the council members, brings the total number of Democrat elected officials supporting the governor to thirty-six.

“Like many other communities up and down the shoreline, Superstorm Sandy brought a wave of destruction here in Spring Lake that left us with a complex and costly recovery. We knew our effort would depend not only on talented local resources but a strong partner who understood what was at stake. We found that partner in Governor Chris Christie,” said Mayor Jennifer Naughton. “His strong leadership, unwavering support of the Sandy Recovery Bill and his willingness to set aside party politics to put New Jerseyans first is exactly what our state needed. For Spring Lake in particular, the Governor and his team have delivered in the aftermath of Sandy and responded personally when we most needed them. We are proud to stand with Governor Christie today and to endorse him for reelection."

Spring Lake suffered significant damage during Hurricane Sandy, particularly to its boardwalk, along with extensive power outages. Working together, Spring Lake recently reconstructed its boardwalk and continues to work on improvements to the dune system.

“What we’ve accomplished here in Spring Lake is a testament not just to the resiliency of this community, but also to strength of the partnerships we’ve built over the past three years,” said Governor Chris Christie. “But our work isn’t done and both the problems and the opportunities before us as a state extend beyond political party. They’re about what we can do together as a people. I thank the mayor and councilmembers here for understanding that and for their support. I’m honored to continue our partnership and to carry their support in this campaign.”

To date, thirty-six elected Democrats have endorsed Governor Christie for reelection, including: State Senator Brian Stack, Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Orange Mayor Dwayne Warren, Belleville Mayor Ray Kimble, Bloomfield Mayor Ray McCarthy, Glen Ridge Mayor Peter Hughes, Livingston Mayor Rudy Fernandez, Paterson City Council President Anthony Davis, Burlington City Mayor Jim Fazzone, Manville Mayor Angelo Corradino, Chesilhurst Mayor Michael Blunt, Harrison Mayor Ray McDonough, Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long, Harrison City Council members Laurence M. Bennett, Jesus R. Huaranga, James Doran, Victor Villalta, Carol Mandaglio, Michael Dolaghan, Francisco Nascimento, and Anselmo Millan, Belleville Town Council members Steve Rovell and Michael Nicosia, Glen Ridge Council President Stuart Patrick and Councilman David Lefkovitz, Point Pleasant Borough Mayor William Schroeder, Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton, Spring Lake Council President Janice Venables, Spring Lake Council members Bob Drasheff and Priscilla Reilly and Union City Commissioners Tilo Rivas, Lucio Fernandez, Maryury Martinetti, and Celin Valdivia

The Governor has earned strong support from across the state and political spectrum, many of which represent new endorsements in 2013 that were not received in 2009, including 22 leaders of the state's African American clergy community, 25 building trades labor organizations, the National Coalition of Latino Officers, the Career Fire Chiefs Association, and leading members and organizations representing New Jersey's Hispanic community.

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