Sunday, October 13, 2013

Christie: ALL Children Must Dream Big Dreams

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in Camden recently with Shaq:
Governor Christie: The most important thing is to let these children know that they're special. You know, after we got done talking them, taking their questions, and they had questions, they had a couple questions for Mayor Redd. They had a couple of questions for me and they had a whole lot of questions for Shaq. After we got done taking those questions we took a picture with them and then as we were making our way out some of the kids stopped us to ask individual questions, and one of the young ladies said to me I have to ask you a question. Did you ever think when you were my age that you could actually be governor? And I said sure I did, and I said and I want you to dream big dreams for yourself too, and the only way you make your big dreams come true is to work hard. Those children in that room and the children they represent in our urban communities all over the state need to believe that they can accomplish anything they can dream if they work hard and we need to give them the tools to be able to turn that hard work into a fulfillment of their potential, and that shouldn't matter where you live in New Jersey. If a child has a big enough dream we should be able to give them the tools to achieve that dream if they're willing to work hard enough to do it.

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