Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christie And Obama: The 'Hug' That Never Was?

Conservatives have a problem with Governor Chris Christie? 
We wish we knew exactly why. 
Consider the following: The Governor is pro-life. He's against assisted suicide. He opposes gay marriage. He cut funding for Planned Parenthood in his state. He then vetoed bills to restore that funding five times. 
Not enough for 'ya? 
Here's more: Through his judicial nominations Governor Christie has consistently sought to refashion the state's courts with judges who are not judicial activists. He has cut state spending, reformed the public employees' pension system and put New Jersey back on the road to final responsibility -- WITHOUT a tax increase.
In fact the Governor has fought hard for income tax decreases but the liberal/Democrat New Jersey state legislature won't even allow his plan to come up for a vote.
But conservatives slough all this off.
And they come back whining that Christie "hugged" President Obama during superstorm Sandy in the midst of the last presidential campaign.
Forget the fact that Christie's state was in dire straits and needed massive funds from the federal government.
Forget that Christie was fighting hard in the midst of this devsastaiting event to get back just some of the zillions that New Jersey sends to DC in tax dollars -- way more than most other states.
Forget that Christie had a responsibility to New Jersey and to its people first and his priority had to be storm relief.
Just consider this: Even though he hugs lots of people, Christie never really hugged Obama. And Obama never really hugged Christie.
Christie hugged plenty of storm survivors. Obama hugged his share of survivors.
But they never actually hugged one another.
In fact, if you can find a photo of Christie and Obama hugging during Obama's Sandy visits to the state let us know. Fact is, you won't find any because there was no hug.
But why would anyone let the facts stand in his or her way? Hmmmm?

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