Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Young Americans DON'T Want Obamacare

The White House announced earlier today that just 26,000 people have purchased expensive and creepy Obamacare insurance from the federal exchange through the first month of open enrollment. There was no specific breakdown of how many young Americans have enrolled.
Generation Opportunity President Evan Feinberg issued the following statement:
"These numbers reflect what Generation Opportunity has been saying for months: young people know a bad deal when they see one. We recognize better options are available outside the exchanges, so we're overwhelmingly choosing to Opt Out and buy insurance policies that better meet our needs and budgets.
"Obamacare’s success depends on millions of young people paying three times more for insurance so older people can pay slightly less. It’s a generational game rigged against us, and we're not interested in playing."
Despite the millions of wasted taxpayer dollars being used to sell Obamacare, young Americans are not buying it. Not surprisingly, more and more young people don’t trust this administration when it comes to healthcare.
Generation Opportunity is a national, non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people through less government and more freedom.

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