Saturday, November 23, 2013

Common Core: Just Standards, Not Curriculum

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

November 22, 2013
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Dear Friends,

It's just not true.

Since debate over the Common Core schools initiative began, proponents have defended it by stating it is "just standards, not a curriculum." But your Catholic Education Daily reported in an exclusive story this week that, Common Core Is Curriculum, Contrary to Advocates' Claims; and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent more than $10 million to create it.

Now that the "just-standards-not-curriculum" red herring has been eliminated, hopefully we can focus on why these standards and curriculum should be avoided by Catholic schools throughout the nation.

And that is exactly what a courageous bishop in the Midwest has done. Yesterday, Bishop David Ricken, shepherd of the Green Bay Diocese, announced that Common Core would not be used in his schools. He said, "I have instructed our diocesan Department of Education staff, school principals and school system administrators that they not 'adopt or adapt' the 'common core standards.'"

As we approach Thanksgiving and take stock of the many blessings in our lives, there is other good news to celebrate.

Yesterday we received word that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania granted a preliminary injunction against the HHS mandate for several Catholic agencies and organizations in the Dioceses of Erie and Pittsburgh. This is the first decision in favor of religious nonprofits under the HHS "final rule" and the first, in general, for Catholic institutions.

And the work of our good friend, William Peter Blatty, to restore Catholic identity to his beloved Georgetown University has garnered international media attention. The Times of London reports about Blatty's warning that the school is "flirting with demons."

Another busy week indeed, but also one that demonstrates that with faith and perseverance we can be the difference in the fight to preserve our culture.

With Fidelity to Truth,

Joseph R. Giganti, Sr.
Vice President of News & Communications

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