Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Jersey Celebrates Value Of Adoption

New Jersey's Acting Governor Kim Guadagno joined New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) Commissioner Allison Blake at the Monmouth County Court House yesterday in celebration of National Adoption Month and adoptions being finalized in the county.

“Today, the lives of these families will change for the better and I am honored to be able to join in the celebration,” said Acting Governor Guadagno. “Every child deserves the support, guidance, and nurturing provided by a safe and loving family. Adoption Day calls attention to the large number of children in New Jersey who are still waiting to find their ‘forever family’.”

Monmouth County’s Adoption Day event is one of several being held throughout the state in recognition of National Adoption Month. Fourteen families finalized their adoptions of children ranging from 4 to 14 years of age and attended a light reception at the court house in their honor.

Nearly 270 children will celebrate adoption finalizations this month, including finalizations of adolescents in foster care, sibling groups being adopted together, children adopted by relatives, and children with medical challenges. More than 800 adoptions will have been finalized by the end of the year.

“New Jersey has made great strides finding loving foster and adoptive parents for children and youth in our care, and today demonstrates our commitment to find forever families for our children,” said DCF Commissioner Blake. “The Adoption Day celebrations are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate families and highlight the significance a family can have in a child’s life.”

National Adoption Day was initiated in 2000 by the Alliance for Children’s Rights, with support from organizations including the Freddie Mac Foundation and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

For more information on adoption, call 1-800-99-ADOPT (1-800-992-3678) or visit the DCF Adoption Web Site at

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