Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sandy Recovery: Child Care Help Provided

The Christie Administration has announced the launch of three child care-related programs for facilities, providers and families impacted by Superstorm Sandy. The $2.5 million in Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) funds will be used to provide: subsidies to families, whose child care was disrupted as a result of damage or displacement; storm-related building renovation and repair, and replacement of supplies and materials

“Many child care centers were damaged or destroyed by Sandy, which created immediate hardships for the families with children enrolled at the locations and long-term restoration work for the centers,” said Department of Human Services Commissioner Jennifer Velez. “Even after working with insurance companies and Sandy relief organizations, there are families and agencies that can benefit from this assistance.”

Of the $2.5 million:

· $1 million is allocated for building and renovation grants of up to $50,000 to non-profit or for-profit child care programs

· $1 million is allotted for grants of up to $3,000 for child care centers or up to $1,500 for registered family child care providers to replace supplies and materials damaged by the storm

· $500,000 set-aside for subsidies lasting up to six-months for families whose child care was disrupted by Sandy. Families must complete an application and show a need for child care services as a direct result of Superstorm Sandy.

The child care initiatives will be made available for Sandy-impacted families and child care programs in the nine most heavily affected counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean and Union counties.

SSBG is a funder of last resort, which means that the requested repair or renovation costs for child care centers cannot be provided through this program if the expenses have been or will be reimbursed through FEMA disaster assistance, a Small Business Loan, under a contract for insurance, self-insurance or any other disaster relief funding.

For information on how to apply for Sandy-related child care assistance or the renovation and repair grants, go to:, or

SSBG funding is crucial to preserving the social services safety net in the areas most impacted by Superstorm Sandy. In the months and years to come, these services will be essential to rebuilding and restoring residents' very basic needs in storm recovery.

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