Thursday, November 14, 2013

We Tried To Warn You . . Why Didn't You Listen?

Even before President Obama was elected in 2008 we tried to caution people about him.
We pointed out all of the early warning signs: He was dreadfully inexperienced; he seemed isolated and detached from ordinary people; he had a "smartest-guy-in-the-room" attitude; he surrounded himself with Chicago cronies and sycophants; he didn't bother to solicit a broad-range of views; he could be stubborn and officious; at times he seemed downright lazy; his ideas were bad for the country.
We tried to bring these observations to the fore.
We really tried.
We were so persistent because we love our country. We love America.
We didn't hesitate to speak up again and again because that's the role that active, caring citizens must play -- that's what we need to do to preserve and perpetuate freedom and democracy.
In the process, we were yelled at, maligned, condescended and dismissed more than once by Obama-supporters and sympathizers who simply didn't want to hear what we had to say.
They didn't want their high-sounding aspirations and expectations disturbed. They were so sure.
These people (many of them true-believers) didn't want their believefest interrupted. That was all somewhat understandable -- to a point. But over the long, slow slog through five years of life in Obamaville somewhere along the line it became nasty. It got ugly in part because Obama and his minions became entrenched. And they dug into their bunkers.
It got so bad that that Obama called a meeting just to tell those who opposed his ideas that he didn't wanna talk to them. "I wanna talk to ya to tell ya that I'm not talking to ya." That was it.
No dialogue. No retreat. No negotiation. Nada.
Now, you see where it got us.
We're in a helluva mess now.
Obamacare, the elaborate castle that rules over all Obamaville -- the house that Obama built -- has turned out to be a disaster. In many ways, it's nothing more than an elaborate facade. As Gertrude Stein once said: "There's no there there when you get there." And even the facade is prematurely rusty and dingy. Behind the curtain, you'll find nothing but a dust heap fulla lies. Lies and deceptions scattered about like toxic waste peeking out above a multi-layered landfill -- a dangerous DEP site or somesuch.
Now, finally a few liberals can smell the stench and they are starting to realize what they have wrought.
Indeed, some of our liberal friends and expressing their dismay, even their disappointment in Obama for the first time. And some have told us they're downright outraged. Some even feel betrayed. And well they should.
And thank goodness, some have started to go public with this.
They need to speak out. They need to do it a lot more. They need to do it for themselves and for the country.
Yes, the poll numbers are beginning to reflect the big turn away from Obama. But that alone will not set the ship right.
Those who sold America this klunker must now take responsibility for their actions. It's on them to fess up and junk the klunker.
As for us, don't say we didn't warn 'ya.

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