Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Giant Mushroom Welcomes 2014 In Iconic Town

Thanks goodness it wasn't a mushroom cloud.
But that really was a giant mushroom in the sky over the small town of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania last night. And as it started descending just before the stroke of midnight it delighted residents and visitors alike. Organizers say it was a 700 hundred pound behemoth, if you can imagine that.
This was the first-ever "mushroom drop" in Kennett Square which bills itself as the mushroom capital of the world. Indeed, the mushroom farming in the region around Kennett produces over one million pounds of mushrooms a week!
So, it was fitting that the new year would start in the same way that every day in Kennett begins: with mushrooms. We're told that a great time was had by all in the picture-postcard town that epitomizes old-fashioned American values.
And, as you can see Adam Cirucci and Gina Basciani Cirucci were there enjoying it along with everyone else.
Special thanks to Jennifer Toto Basciani for the photos and a warm shootout to the entire Basciani clan and everyone at Basciani Foods.
Happy New Year!

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