Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The List: Who And What Is In Or Out For 2014

IN                                                         OUT
Charles Krauthammer………………..Charlie Sheen
Justin Timberlake…………………….Justin Bieber
Jennifer Lawrence……………………Jennifer Aniston
Ford Fusion…………………………..Rob Ford
Washington Munument………………Washington, DC
Afternoon Tea………………………..The Tea Party
The Fifties……………………………Fifty Shades of Grey
Matthew McConaughey……………..Chris Matthews
Raul Paul……………………………..Paul Krugman
Hand-written letters…………………..David Letterman
Megyn Kelly…………………………Ray Kelly
Radiant pink………………………….pink
Table d'hote…………………………..Farm to table
home recliners……………………… recliners
Rutgers and Rowan…………………..Rutrow
wild-sourced fish……………………..goldfish
scheming and dreaming………………worrying and hurrying
burgers 'n wine……………………….burgers 'n shakes
drones………………………………..droning on
Liam Hemsworth…………………….Liam Neeson
Chris Christie………………………..Chris Brown
Men's accessories……………………bare necessities
The Duchess of York………………..New York
Being serious………………………..SeriusXM
Kelly & Michael…………………….Michael Bloomberg
Walter Mitty…………………………Barbara Walters
Going out……………………………Coming out
Trey Gowdy…………………………Trey Anastasio
After Midnight……………………….Midnight Madness
Latinos……………………………….Latin mass
American Hustle…………………….American Idol
Louis C. K…………………………..Louis Vuitton
Joe Fresh…………………………….Joe Biden
Things that matter…………………...Things that skatter

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