Wednesday, February 19, 2014

AFP Calls For NJ Sick Leave Payout Reform

New Jersey Americans for Porpserity state director Daryn Iwicki is praising several New Jersey lawmakers for introducing a measure, Assembly bill A158, aimed at ending exorbitant sick leave payouts and protecting taxpayers.
“I would like to thank Assemblywoman Munoz in her call for action on the need to reform paid sick time for public employees. This change in policy is common sense.  We have a system in place which has become abused and is crippling local budgets. And the sad reality is this all comes at the expense of suffering New Jersey taxpayers.
“The facts are very real and simple. Three years ago Red Bank paid $750,000 to cover severance payments to 11 retiring employees.  Just recently, the Toms River Chief of Police retired his post to become Ocean County Sheriff and cashed in $238,692 in un-used sick time—that’s nearly seven times the yearly per-capita income of a New Jersey resident.
“Major cities such as Newark, Jersey City, Camden, Atlantic City and others totaling 8 municipalities had to pay out over $39 million according to an article by Matt Friedman on
“It’s just not fair to taxpayers to have government workers enriching themselves like this—not when people are out of jobs and our taxes are through the roof.
“This issue is a test for the Democratic leadership who time and again says they want to do something to lower property taxes in New Jersey. It is time for them to live up to their claims that they care about taxpayers.  We have a committee debating what to name the Sea of Japan, yet we can’t address property taxes?  Need we remind the Democratic leadership they promised to address property taxes in a meaningful way?”
“Again, I am pleased and grateful to see Assemblywoman Munoz, along with Assemblywomen Casagrande and Simon and Assemblyman O’Scanlon, stepping up to sponsor this legislation—as well as the 16 additional Assembly members who have signed on as co-sponsors.”

“It’s time for the Democratic leadership to join them and do what’s right for New Jersey taxpayers.”

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