Wednesday, February 19, 2014

African-Americans Support Corbett Business Initiatives

This afternoon, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett held a business roundtable with African American community leaders and small business owners in Downington. Chester County Commissioner Terence Farrell was present and introduced as the Chairman of the “African Americans for Corbett-Cawley” coalition.

Led by the Commissioner, the coalition will organize and activate members around the state in support of Governor Corbett's record of keeping his promises to fight for all Pennsylvanians.

Governor Corbett is committed to ensuring Pennsylvania is responding to the needs of the African American community, working with the Governor’s Advisory Commission on African American Affairs to address those needs and challenges. The governor’s priorities of education, energy, lower taxes, responsible government, a stronger economy and private sector jobs are benefitting all Pennsylvanians.

 The governor has supported the Minority Business Development Program to encourage the creation and expansion of minority-owned small businesses, while simplifying the procurement process to allow more access for minority-owned small businesses to compete for state contract opportunities. The recently enacted transportation bill also directs that contract opportunities be maximized for minority-owned businesses.

-- African Americans for Corbett-Cawley Leadership --

-- Chairman --

The Honorable Terence Farrell
Chester County Board of Commissioners
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

Governor Corbett and Lieutenant Governor Cawley continue to deliver on the “More Jobs, Less Taxes” agenda laid out in 2010, keeping their promises to make government work harder and smarter for the people, reduce and eliminate taxes, balance our budgets on-time, hold the line on new taxes, empower the private sector to grow and create jobs by reopening Pennsylvania to business, responsibly use the once-in-a-generation opportunity our Commonwealth has in the Marcellus Shale to create and support jobs, reinvest in our communities and reduce energy costs, bolster support for our most vulnerable and invest historic amounts in basic education.

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