Friday, February 7, 2014

Cardinal Newman Society: Bear Witness To Faith

February 7, 2014
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Dear friends,

Fired for same-sex marriage!  Fired for scandal!

The recent spate of firings and forced resignations in Catholic schools has people talking.  Just this week, we reported on aMontana teacher who revealed her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and a Massachusetts manwhose same-sex marriage was discovered after he was offered a Catholic school position.  Both lost their jobs.

What's going on with Catholic schools?

The answer is: nothing new, really, except for a dose of courage and admirable integrity.  What's changing for the worse is our culture, and sadly some who work in Catholic schools are changing with it… and facing the difficult consequences.

"Uncompromising witness to the faith" is essential to Catholic education, as Pope Francis told leaders of the University of Notre Dame last week.  Some professors are cheering his words, while alumni are wondering why Notre Dame—on the day of the Pope's address!—cooperated with the Obama administration's HHS mandate.

Meanwhile, it's been revealed that Pope Francis recalls a vibrant "Catholic culture" in the Catholic school he attended.  And St. Anthony School in Colorado is finding new hope for survival with its faithful, classical Catholic education.

What was it that Pope Benedict said about "pruning" the vine?

May Catholic schools—especially those that struggle through hard times and controversies—continue to bear much fruit in service to Christ!  Thank you for supporting our work for Catholic education.

Yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly
President, Cardinal Newman Society

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