Friday, February 7, 2014

Tell America: 'We Stand With Christie Christie!'

We asked the nearly 2,000 people (and growing!) who are part of We Stand With Chris Christie to tell us why they are standing by Governor Christie during this difficult time. Here's what some of them told us, in their own words:

He's down to earth, funny, HONEST, and has done nothing but good for this state. He's the most human politician out there. We need him. This country needs him.

He tells it like it is; no nonsense - no BS. The Democrats are SO AFRAID OF HIM, that's why they are being relentless with the bridge crap!

Because he has been trying to fix Jersey and he doesn't favor one group more than another...NO TAXES means no taxes for anyone, and if he needs to, everyone gets hit...and he doesn't back down to the unions, like so many others do/did! I feel he hasn't gone far enough to protect the working from the foodstamp/unemployment/pay NO taxes at know, the scammers....he doesn't GO FAR ENOUGH! Many receiving free handouts are doing better than those who are working.....they are to be helped to survive, not do better than those helping....Gov Christie also says it like it is...not like many that you close your ears and eyes when they talk, because you know it is BS that is going to be spoken...and the big, he doesn't give just to the urban areas......they made it what it is, why should the rest of Jersey keep themselves on the back burner so THEY can be better off....

Innocent until proven guilty. I believe what he says.

The only reason this stuff came to surface is because the Democrats feared him after the election.... He had star power and was gaining national momentum.... I put nothing passed the democrats on what they will do to keep any tough republican out....funny how nothing was said till after the election and he was leading Hillary....and when he only dropped a few points Hoboken came up....the liberal media will keep the anti Christie drum pounding....

First of all how about innocent until proving guilty. If you were a Hurricane Sandy Victim, I can't see how anyone could hate him. I saw a whole different side of our Governor. And if it comes out that he did do something wrong, no big so many words what Obama said about his mistakes, lets not focus on the fumbles lets just move on to the next play.

I'm believing in him…

Join us! Go to We Stand With Chris Christie and like us today. Let the Governor know you stand with him. He needs your support NOW!

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