Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Is Wolf Playing Fast And Loose With Facts?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the following statement and breakdown addressing Secretary Tom Wolf's latest negative attack ad against Governor Tom Corbett. As per usual, Secretary Tom Wolf contradicts himself and conveniently leaves out the truth.

“Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf is so desperate to change the narrative about not paying his fair share of Pennsylvania taxes that he’s doing what Wolf does best – engaging in more hypocrisy," stated Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Wolf’s latest ad attacks Governor Tom Corbett for his leadership in passing a bipartisan transportation bill that Wolf just yesterday praised. Additionally, Wolf’s running mate, Mike Stack voted for the transportation bill that Wolf apparently simultaneously supports and opposes. Tom Wolf is a walking contradiction who just can’t be trusted to run a state with 12.7 million people.”

RELATED: Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf says he won’t run negative ads, despite the fact that he already has, because “That’s not who I am.”

Below is a claim by claim breakdown of Wolf's ad with the Corbett-Cawley campaign's response.


CLAIM: “It’s Tom Corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes.”

RESPONSE: Tom Wolf, who pays an 8% tax rate and moved his company to Delaware to avoid paying his fair share of Pennsylvania taxes, is calling for an income tax hike on “people like me,” which includes households making over $75,000. Governor Tom Corbett closed a $4.2 billion dollar deficit and passed four balanced budgets – all without raising taxes.

CLAIM: “Now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes.”

RESPONSE: 163 out of 164 school districts who asked for permission to raise property taxes above the allowed index rate cited pension costs as the reason for doing do. Wolf, who has received $1.13 million in donations from public sector unions opposed to pension reform, continues to deny our state’s pension crisis.

CLAIM: “We're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax.”

RESPONSE: Governor Tom Corbett signed into law Act 13, which established a local impact fee that has provided over $630 million for local communities from the natural gas industry for vital infrastructure projects. Additionally, the natural gas industry has paid over $2 billion in state taxes since 2008. Wolf’s calls for a severance tax, which does not come close to adequately covering Wolf’s spending proposals, to replace the local impact fee that provides infrastructure funding for local communities.

CLAIM: “Corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof.”

RESPONSE: Wolf must be referring to the bipartisan transportation bill that Governor Tom Corbett signed into law last fall and that eliminated the retail gas tax at the pump. Just yesterday, Wolf praised Governor Tom Corbett’s work on the bipartisan transportation bill. In fact, even Wolf’s running mate, Mike Stack, supported the legislation.

CLAIM: “I’m Tom Wolf, I'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.”



For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit www.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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