Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Notables React To Robin Williams' Death

Here are some reactions from notables on the death of Robin Williams:

Pam Dawber: "I am completely and totally devastated. What more can be said?"

Kevin Spacey: "Robin Williams made the world laugh & think. I will remember and honor that. A great man, artist and friend. I will miss him beyond measure."

Sally Field: "I feel stunned and so sad about Robin. I'm sad for the world of comedy. And so very sad for his family. And I'm sad for Robin. He always lit up when he was able to make people laugh, and he made them laugh his whole life long.... tirelessly. He was one of a kind. There will not be another. Please God, let him now rest in peace."

John Travolta: "I've never known a sweeter, brighter, more considerate person than Robin. Robin's commitment as an artist to lifting our mood and making us happy is compared to none. He loved us all and we loved him back."

Steven Spielberg: "Robin was a lightning storm of comic genius and our laughter was the thunder that sustained him. He was a pal and I can't believe he's gone."

Mara Wilson: "Very sad, very upset, very glad I did not have to hear about this though Twitter. Probably going to be taking some time off it for a while."

Kathy Bates: "Magnificent Robin RIP. The Black Dog won the war. So sad. Thank you for the quarter you loaned me to call my mom at the '90 Globes."

Rain Pryor: "RIP Robin Williams hope daddy and Carlin were there to greet you. My heart is broken."

Steve Martin: "I could not be more stunned by the loss of Robin Williams, mensch, great talent, acting partner, genuine soul. '

Danny DeVito: "Heartbroken."

Judd Apatow: "When I was 18 I got a job as an intern at Comic Relief just to be near him. A genius and a truly kind man who made the world a better place."

Chevy Chase: "Robin and I were great friends, suffering from the same little-known disease: depression. I never could have expected this ending to his life, and to ours with him. God bless him and God bless us all for his LIFE! I cannot believe this. I am overwhelmed with grief. What a wonderful man/boy and what a tremendous talent in the most important art of any time - comedy! I loved him."

Bill Cosby‏: "I'm stunned!"

John Mayer: "The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was Robin Williams’ inhabiting of Popeye. #RIPRobinWilliams. How awesome a contribution Robin Williams made to the world, that millions of people (and I) are now feeling real, deep human loss. So sad."
Kirstie Alley: "RIP sweetie .... you made the world laugh for decades... Rest a while xxxooo."

Rita Wilson: "I am heartbroken. Dear, sweet friend, Robin Williams, gone. Our prayers for peace to all his friends and family, his beautiful children."

Jeremy Piven: "My father took me to see Robin Willaims do an improve set. Never seen anything like it, he was a spirit like no other. Will never forget him."

Queen Latifah: "Thanks for the years of feel good laughter. RIP Robin Williams."

Meredith Vieira: "I know he and his buddy Jonathan Winters are making the angels laugh out loud."

Goldie Hawn: "Oh Robin...Our hearts are broken. Rest in peace darling. We loved you."

Jessica Chastain: "Robin Williams changed my life. He was a great actor and a generous person. Through a scholarship, he made it possible for me to graduate college. His generous spirit will forever inspire me to support others as he supported me. He will forever be missed. "

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