Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fleisher To Distribute Free Trees October 3

Philadelphia's Fleisher Art Memorial was recently awarded a Community Yard Tree Giveaway Grant from TreePhilly, a program of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation supported by the Fairmount Park Conservancy and Wells Fargo. As a grant recipient, Fleisher will receive 50 trees to distribute during a family friendly event on its Bella Vista campus (719 Catharine Street) on October 5, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Participants can register for one of Fleisher's 50 trees online at www.fleisher.org or by calling 215-922-3456, ext. 300. Trees must be planted on private property within Philadelphia's city limits and must be planted in the ground rather than a container or in the sidewalk. Available species include: River Birch, Bald Cypress, Red Oak, Sassafras, American Hophornbeam, White Fringetree, Witchhazel, Cornelian Cherry, American Smoketree, Pagoda Dogwood, Serviceberry, Freedom Apple, Querina Apple, Redgold Nectarine, Contender Peach, and Harrow Sweet Pear. During the event, participants who have registered for a tree will receive a free planting and care demonstration as well as a bag of mulch from the Fairmount Park Organic Recycling Center.

The event is not limited to registered tree recipients. Families are invited to Fleisher to participate in numerous nature-themed activities, including tree and nature still lifes and sun printing with Fleisher's mobile art studio, ColorWheels. Volunteers will also provide storytelling activities for younger visitors and the Schmear It bagel truck will provide food options.

TreePhilly's Community Giveaway Grants initiative build's on the organization's success in providing 1,500 free yard trees to Philadelphians every spring and fall in an effort to restore Philadelphia's urban forest. The grants enable organizations like Fleisher to support this effort.

For more information, visit Fleisher.org or TreePhilly.org.

The Fleisher Art Memorial was founded by industrialist Samuel S. Fleisher in 1898 and is renowned for its mission of making art accessible to everyone regardless of economic means, background or artistic experience. Fleisher Art Memorial is one of the nation's first community-based art centers, providing free and low-cost studio art classes along with opportunities for beginning and seasoned artists to exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting. Fleisher's arts education programming reaches deeply into local schools and community centers, and has brought the organization national recognition and powerful opportunities to advocate for and shape arts education initiatives throughout the region and the country.  

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