Tuesday, September 9, 2014

On Education, Wolf's Got It 'Bass Ackwards'

In Pennsylvania the Corbett-Cawley campaign today announced the release of their latest television commercial, “Statistics Class.” The ad sets the record straight on the “billion dollar lie” being perpetuated by Secretary Tom Wolf and the public sector union bosses that are bankrolling his campaign. The ad is now running statewide on television.

“Secretary Tom Wolf and the public sector union bosses have spent tens of millions of dollars lying about Governor Tom Corbett’s record investment in state education funding,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “The undisputable truth is that it was Wolf’s mentor, Ed Rendell, gutted state education funding and replaced it with one-time federal stimulus dollars. It is a true shame that Secretary Wolf would continue perpetuating the lie when the facts prove that Pennsylvania is spending more on education funding than ever before.”

The commercial script and sources are listed below.

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Tom Wolf and his special interest groups have spent millions trying to mislead you that I cut education spending.

As they say, the numbers don’t lie.

Ed Rendell used one-time federal stimulus funds to hide cuts to state education funding [1].

Tom Corbett cleaned up his mess, increasing funding every year to its highest level ever [2].

And recently we secured $51 million more to be used exclusively for early childhood development programs [3].

And now you know the truth.


[1] From FY 2008-09 to FY 2010-11, state education funding was reduced from $9.14 billion to $8.58 billion. During that time, federal stimulus funds in the amount of $654.7 million in FY 2009-10 and $1.04 billion in FY 2010-11, were used to supplement education funding.

[2] State education funding has increased in each budget from FY 2011-12 to FY 2014-15. The current level of $10.05 billion is the highest level for state education funding in history.

[3] The Sentinel, 12/21/13

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit www.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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