Thursday, October 16, 2014

Catholics Could Make Big Difference Election Day

A very special message from (CV):

Here's the latest polling for CV's endorsed candidates in the top 4 Senate races:

Colorado: Cory Gardner has a 2-point lead.
North Carolina: Thom Tillis is 2 points behind.
Alaska: Dan Sullivan has a 4-point lead in Alaska.
Louisiana: Bill Cassidy has a 5-point lead in Louisiana.

The conclusion is obvious: these races are too close to call. And that means the future of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs. Every single vote will matter.

And Catholics can become the difference makers.

We have a simple 1-page mailer with clear side-by-side candidate comparisons for each state. They outline where each of candidates stand on life, marriage, religious liberty, education and how to help the poor and vulnerable -- the issues that are important for Catholics this election.
We plan to mail these flyers to every Catholic voter we have identified in each of the target states between now and Election Day.
These flyers cost approximately $.59 each to print and mail. Can you help us get them out?

>> I’m in for $3 to send 5 mailers

>> I’m in for $9 to send 15 mailers

>> I’m in for $30 to send 51 mailers

>> Let’s run the table. Put me down for more!

Our print vendor is on standby. As soon as we get your donation, we’ll start sending out the mailers.

We have been working hard on this plan for months. We have new ads being deployed to target states, along with targeted Facebook ads and emails to Catholics we need to get to the polls.

Thanks for all your help as always. We’re almost there.

Chip in now!

- Brian, Josh, Kara, Elizabeth, Shane, Pat, and the rest of the CV Team

P.S. You can also mail your donation payable to Civic Action. Just mark "mailers" on your check and send to:
PO Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690

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