Thursday, October 16, 2014

Why Won't Wolf Release 2013 Tax Returns?

Citing the expiration of the six month income tax filing extension period, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today called on Secretary Tom Wolf to release his 2013 tax returns. Wolf has refused to publicly release his tax returns arguing that releasing any information about him or his campaign is a distraction.

“Now that Tom Wolf’s income tax extension has expired, it is time for Wolf to come clean on just how little he is paying in taxes despite calling for a massive income tax increase on everyone else," stated Communications Director Chris Pack. "Tom Wolf says he is running one of the most transparent campaigns in history, so it is time for him to put his money where his mouth is by actually being transparent with the people of Pennsylvania. Even Wolf’s mentor, Ed Rendell believes that Tom Wolf should release his tax returns, so Wolf needs to just go ahead and come clean.”

According to The York Daily Record, Tom Wolf filed for an extension on his 2013 taxes. Six months has passed since the filing deadline, which means Wolf is capable of providing the information about his 2013 income tax rate.

Secretary Tom Wolf has stated in the past that he will release any information that is asked of him. However, despite repeated requests, Wolf continues to avoid addressing a variety of issues, including details of his income tax plan that would raise taxes 188 percent; his personal tax returns where he pays a single digit tax rate; his corporate tax returns to address his Delaware loophole hypocrisy; information concerning lack of gender equality within his company; and if he supports President Obama’s most recent attack in his war on Pennsylvania coal.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania,

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