Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How You Can Help Redress DC's Scary Inbalance

Here is a very special message from Mitt Romney:

This is the most critical time.

But I’m going to be blunt: the left is once again out-raising us and damaging our conservative candidates with a flood of attack ads.

Trust me, I’ve seen firsthand how tough it can be to fight the liberal campaign machine.

They outspent us in 2012, and they are on track to do the same this year.

That’s why I’m hoping you will chip in $50 right now to protect and grow the conservative House majority.

In this final stretch of the campaign, your contribution will go to where it’s needed the most—fighting Democrats with fresh ads, mobilizing voters and getting our pro-growth, pro-freedom message out to as many people as possible.

We all have to work together if we want to win big on Election Day and put the brakes on President Obama’s big-government agenda once and for all.

Your help is what will get our conservative candidates across the finish line.

Thank you again for your support. God bless you and God bless our wonderful country.


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