Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This Week, We Journey To The Reagan Ranch!

President Reagan's Rancho del Ciello (the ranch in the heavens) has always impressed us as one of the most beautiful places imaginable.
It's a place we've always wanted to visit - a storied place full of history and meaning. It's a place that captures the essence of a great man, a loving couple and a wonderful time in our nation's history.
And, it's a place we've longed to absorb firsthand.
Well, later this week we'll be visiting the Reagan Ranch and we're taking you along with us as we live blog from this most extraordinary place nestled in the San Ynez mountains.
“From the first day we saw it, Rancho del Cielo cast a spell over us," Reagan explained. "No place before or since has ever given Nancy and me the joy and serenity it does.”
On November 13, 1974, the Reagan's purchased “Tip Top Ranch.” They rechristened it “Rancho del Cielo.”We'll tell you the story of President Reagan and his time at the ranch. We'll detail some of the famous people that the ranch has played host to and explain the events that this beautiful spot has witnessed. Above all, we'll recapture the spirit of President Reagan -- his ideals, his love for our great country, his resolve, his impressive leadership qualities, his humanity, his enduring wisdom, his warmth and his humor.
And we'll tell you about the ranch's role today as part of a remarkable training center for young people under the direction of the wonderful Young America's Foundation.
Ronald Reagan had a deep concern for young people in America, and a special bond with Young America’s Foundation students. By his own account, Reagan’s career in public service was based on the conviction that America’s founding principles needed to be preserved and passed on to future generations and that's exactly what's happening now at Ranch del Ciello and at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara.
Stay with the Dan Cirucci Blog this week.
You won't want to miss this!

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