Thursday, November 6, 2014

NJAFP Slams Dems' Gas Tax Hike Proposal

Americans for Prosperity of New Jersey is slamming Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee Chairman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) for his plan to kill middle-class New Jersey motorists with a massive gas-tax hike of 25-cents per gallon

The move prompted AFP state director Daryn Iwicki to label the series of hearings on the Transportation Trust Fund—the third of which is being held today in Camden County—as a “show” and a “farce.”

“A 25-cent gas tax hike would be just devastating. How much more unaffordable does Asm. Wisniewski want to make it for people to live in New Jersey? We already have the highest taxes in the country and some of the highest tolls. Now he wants to raise the gas tax 25-cents per gallon? A gas tax is a regressive tax and one of this size will crush our already struggling middle- and lower-income families.”

“This proposal by the assemblyman shows these hearings have been nothing but a show, a charade and a farce. For all the talk that everything is on the table, only one thing has been on the table the whole time and that’s slamming New Jerseyans with a huge, crippling gas-tax hike,” railed Iwicki.

“The facts are simple. Lawmakers have deprived the TTF of funding; diverting moneys for budget gimmicks and our costs are way too high to do work in New Jersey. As politicians have committed these sins, they now will seek to punish the taxpayer who is innocent.”

“The bottom line is lawmakers like Asm. Wisniewski have no interest in being fiscally responsible and zero interest and cutting costs elsewhere in order to avoid a gas-tax hike,” Iwicki charged. “There is zero interest in addressing the exorbitant costs of fixing our roads, which are by far the worst in the country, nor addressing the biggest cause of it—prevailing wage.”

“The only silver lining is New Jerseyans will have a well-paved road to drive on when they head for the exits for good after they’ve decided they’ve had enough.”

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