Sunday, December 21, 2014

A 'Pro-Police' Rally In Philly On 1/10?

Here is a special message from the Independence Hall Foundation:

Dear Members and Friends,

On Friday, we hoped to help turn the tied on anti-law enforcement sentiments that have rocked our nation, these past few months, by attending a Pro-Police Rally in the Mayfair Section of Philadelphia.

At least 600 supporters, including members and friends of the Foundation, came together to express solidarity with our local men in blue. Click the following article to read more:

But less than 24 hours later, in Brooklyn, NY, two members of the NYPD were ambushed by a lone gunman as they sat together in their police car. It is believed that neither officer had time to react as both were killed at point blank range.

The gunman, who took his own life a few minutes later, had been a known supporter of recent rallies deploring "alleged" police brutality.

According to CNN, one of the police officers, Rafael Ramos, a family man, had just turned 40. The second officer, Wenjian Liu, was recently married.

Political Fallout
Almost immediately, political ramifications were evident as members of the NYPD turned their backs on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio at a public gathering.

How far this fallout will extend is uncertain--but one wonders if it will eventually engulf the Obama Administration, as both Eric Holder and the President have seemed unconcerned for the safety of local police officers in light of recent violent, nationwide protests whose messages of blame and condemnation have been directed at local law enforcement.

The following article describes the recent reaction of NYPD Officers to New York Mayor de Blasio:

Would You Support A Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally?
Since early December, the Independence Hall Foundation has been in discussion with Dom Giordano, and others, about the possibility of hosting a Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally in support of our regional law enforcement officers.

The Foundation has set a tentative date of Saturday, January 10, 2015, 1-2 PM to hold the rally. We are waiting on permits from two possible sites before determining the exact location.

We ask you to stay tuned--and to provide feedback by responding to this email or calling 267.531.8169.

Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally (tentative)
When: Saturday, January 10, 2014, 1-2 PM
Where: TBD

On the Celebration of Lights
We wish to extend a heartfelt "Happy Hanukkah" to our dear Jewish members and friends, as well as a Peaceful and Healthy New Year!

On behalf of the Foundation Board,
Teri Adams

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