Monday, December 22, 2014

NJ State Senators Want Chesimard Extradited - Now!

Morris County Senators Joe Pennacchio and Anthony Bucco have introduced a resolution urging the return of Joanne Chesimard from Cuba. Chesimard was convicted of murdering New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster during a 1973 traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike. She escaped to Cuba from prison and was granted asylum by Fidel Castro, and the New Jersey State Police and the FBI are offering up to $2 million for information leading to her capture.
“Joanne Chesimard’s long overdue return to U.S. law enforcement should have been a no-brainer for the President to execute during his negotiations with Cuban leaders,” Pennacchio said. “This is a woman who caused tragedy by ending the life of a man dedicated to protecting and serving New Jersey residents and our freedom. She is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List and has been shielded from justice by adversaries, so we urge our President to demand this justice for New Jerseyans and America as he works to restore ties with Cuba.”

“The only thing clear so far about President Obama’s Cuba deal, is that he has left too many things on the table, and number one, Chesimard needs to be immediately returned to U.S. soil,” Bucco said. “It is simply unacceptable to take such drastic steps to benefit Cuba, without first taking care of Americans and assuring that this Most Wanted New Jersey cop killer is finally brought to justice.”

New Development:
Senators Joe Pennacchio and Anthony Bucco stated the following today:

“We are glad Governor Christie has now joined our efforts to bring back Joanne Chesimard, and hope that it helps serve as a wakeup call for President Obama to demand justice for New Jersey and America as he negotiates with Cuban leaders. Anything less from our President is unacceptable.”

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