Saturday, February 28, 2015

Exclusive CPAC Photos: Best Of The Best!


CPAC '15 was a vivid conservative celebration demonstrating the vibrancy of the modern conservative movement -- the sweeping effort that began with William F. Buckley, Claire Booth Luce, and Barry Goldwater and continued with Ronald Reagan, Phyllis Schlafly and Margaret Thatcher. Today's conservative stars are shown above (from top) Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Scott Walker, Governor Bobby Jundal, Governor Scott Walker, with Carly Fiorina, Michelle Malkin, 1210 Talk Radio host Chris Stigall, young conservatives loving our nation and our flag, Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Rick Perry, with Greta Von Sustern, Donald Trump, with Dan Bomgino, Ambassador John Bolton, Governor Jeb Bush and Colonel Allen West. What a lineup! We had a great time!
All photos copyright 2015 by Dan Cirucci.

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