Sunday, March 1, 2015

Walker Wins Dan Cirucci Straw Poll By Big Margin

The Dan Cirucci Blog Straw Poll results are in and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has won a resounding victory as your choice for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
Walker garnered 86% of the vote and no one else even came close.
Walker's rise in polls (not just here, but everywhere) has been truly meteoric but, remember -- we're still a long, long way off from the priamries and the real campaign. A lot can happen between now and then.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came in second in our straw poll with 6% of the vote followed by Jeb Bush with 4% and Ted Cruz and John Kasich each with 2%. Other candidates had negligible margins of one percent or less. The figures total more that 100% because all percentages are rounded off.
Walker is having a helluva run right now. He was a huge hit at CPAC and he's been the runaway winner here at the Dan Cirucci Blog.
Thanks, everybody for participating in our straw poll!

Photo of Governor Scott Walker copyright 2015 by Dan Cirucci.

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