Monday, May 18, 2015

Five Big Reasons To Vote For Lynne Abraham

Lynne Abraham is the best candidate for mayor that Philadelphia's had in a long, long time.

Here are five big reasons why she deserves your vote tomorrow:

1) Lynne is a trailblazer who has always been ahead of her time. She was the first woman to serve as District Attorney of Philadelphia and has achieved numerous other firsts in her career.

2) She's the most experienced candidate in the race. She has actually run one of the largest departments in the city, supervised hundreds of employees and taken responsibility for a multi-million dollar annual budget. Her executive credentials are impeccable.

3) She's proven, tested and trusted by the people of Philadelphia. She's won citywide office eight times!

4) Lynne has laid out detailed plans to tackle the problems that the city faces right now, most notably education and the education funding crisis. She's charted the way forward and knows how to get there.

5) Her integrity is unquestioned. She's has not only fought corruption, waste and mismanagement but she has set a constant example herself for how to serve the citizens of the city responsibly and ethically. She doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk! 


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