Monday, May 18, 2015

Help Lynne Abraham Get Out The Vote!

Here is a special message from the Lynne Abraham for Mayor campaign:

It is official. We have finally begun the final stretch of this campaign – GOTV!  From knocking on doors, to making phone calls, to providing our supporters a ride to the polls, we need your help.  Will you volunteer to make sure all of our supporters can get to the polls? Click here to join our campaign today:

(If you, or anyone you know, need a ride to the polls, please call 215-563-2440 to request a ride.)

We will be having phone banks as well at our headquarters at 1650 Market Street, 31st Floor, during the following dates and times.  Come in at any time and help get the word out to prospective voters about why Lynne Abraham is the best choice for Mayor on May 19th.  

1650 Market Street
31st Floor

Tuesday, May 19th.......................8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

We hope to see you at our phone banks or please click the link below to join our GOTV efforts and let’s make sure we do whatever we can to Get Out The Vote:

Thank you for your ongoing support,

- Team Lynne

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