Thursday, July 2, 2015

How To Answer The Rainbow With Red, White, Blue

I know you've seen those photos on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere with the rainbow colors superimposed over them.
And you've all seen the Empire State Building, the White House and other such edifices lit in the same rainbow colors.
Well, now it's time to tint and light America in red, white and blue -- and that means you.
This is easy to do. I did it in about four minutes with a simple app called Watermark. First, I picked a photo of myself and cropped it to head and shoulders. Then I found a picture of the flag and with an easy click of the app I superimposed it to fit over my photo. Took just a bit of maneuvering. Then, I dimmed the flag photo enough so that it was visible but not overpowering -- like a phantom. I clicked "save," named the photo to one of my files and that's was it!
There are several Watermark apps and at least one of them is free. Get on this! Let's all show our colors!

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