Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wolf Ignores Consumers; Vetoes Liquor Privitization

In response to Governor Wolf’s veto of HB 466, also known as the liquor privatization bill, PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement. 

“Governor Tom Wolf has chosen to say no to the historic and much-needed reform of our antiquated liquor system,” Gleason said. “The liquor privatization bill that Governor Tom Wolf has chosen to veto would bring convenience to consumers and finally get Pennsylvania out of the liquor business.

“Tom Wolf’s decision to veto this bill, which is widely supported by the people of Pennsylvania, continues to just how much Governor Wolf is willing to give to special interests. While the people of Pennsylvania have been calling for this legislation, Governor Wolf and the special interests who funded his campaign are standing in the way of liquor choice for the people of Pennsylvania.”

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