Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Christie Says NO! To Latest Gas Tax Hike Scheme

From our friends at Save Jersey:
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Chris Christie will NOT sign off on the Democrats’ new gas tax/TTF fix, Save Jerseyans, a deal cut without his input during last week’s Republican convention.

He issued the following statement on Monday evening:
“I reviewed this weekend the Democrats’ latest plan to fund the Transportation Trust Fund through a massive gas tax hike that does not represent tax fairness to the residents of New Jersey. Therefore, I cannot support it.
“I proposed a significant plan for tax fairness, one that included a reduced sales tax and retirement income tax cuts to offset any increase in the gas tax. The Assembly overwhelmingly approved that plan. The Democrat Senate responded by doing what Democrats always do on taxes: impose an immediate massive tax hike with a promise of future tax relief long after I am out of office. It is unfortunate that Speaker Prieto has now given in to this failed approach.
“As I have said for two years, any solution for a Transportation Trust Fund must have as its foundation tax fairness. This proposal does not. Hopefully when they return to New Jersey after the Democrat National Convention in Philadelphia, the Democrats will put forward a plan consistent with that principle.
Their current proposal, however, is dead on arrival.”

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