Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Revealed: The GOP's Record In Advancing Women!

There's been a lot of talk at the Democratic National Convention about the party's commitment to women and all of the "firsts" the party can claim in that regard.

But the truth just may surprise you. In fact, no political party has done more for woman or had more women "firsts" than the Grand Old Party -- the Republican Party.

And that's been the case since its founding.

Don't believe us?

Well, here are some inconvenient truths:
  • The first woman to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court was a republican, appointed by a Republican president. 
  • The first African-American woman to serve as Secretary of State was a Republican, appointed by a Republican president. The first woman ever elected to Congress was a Republican. 
  • Three women were among the founders of the Republican Party and the party was the first to recognize women in its platform. 
  • The first woman ever to address a national political convention was a Republican. 
  • The first woman ever to have her name placed in nomination for the presidency by a major party was a Republicans at a Republican convention. 
  • The first equal rights for women plank carried in any major party platform was contained in the Republican Party platform. 
  • The first major party to favor federal woman suffrage was the Republican Party. 
  • The first woman to preside over a session of the U. S. House of Representatives was a Republican. 
  • The first woman to serve as Mayor of a major American city was a Republican. 
  • The first woman elected to the US Senate in her own right was a Republican. 
  • The first woman ever named US Ambassador to a major country (Italy) was a Republican, named by a Republican president. 
  • The first woman to ever serve as Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare was a Republican, appointed by a Republican president. 
  • The first woman to serve as CEO of a major party convention was a Republican. 
  • The first woman chairman of a state committee of any major political party was a Republican. 
  • The first woman in political history to be elected to the national co-chairmanship of either party was a Republican. 
  • The first woman to be the keynote speaker at a national convention of any major political party was a Republican.  
  • The first two women Senators to serve concurrently in Congress were Republicans. 
  • The first woman to be appointed Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development was a Republican. 
  • The first woman U.S. Representative to the United Nations was a Republican. 
  • The first woman appointed Secretary of the Department of Transportation was a Republican. 
  • The first three women to serve concurrently in the Cabinet were Republicans. 
  • The first Asian-American woman to serve in Congress was a Republican. 
  • The first woman to be chosen by the opposition party to respond to the president's State of the Union address was a Republican. 
  • The first women to serve as national Security Advisor, Agriculture Secretary and Interior Secretary were all Republicans. 
  • The youngest woman ever elected to Congress was aRepublican.
I think we'd all have to agree that by any standard of measurement, this is an impressive record. And it's not even complete in terms of historical accomplishments and trailblazing firsts.

So, remember the facts. Tell your daughters and granddaughters about this.  And don't believe the spin that Democrats are trying to sell you his week.


  1. These are all great milestones and I am happy that they were achieved regardless of the party affiliation of those involved. But the Democrats did just claim bragging rights for being the first major party to nominate a woman for the highest office. So I'm not sure where the "spin" is. Republicans had their chance with Carly and they took a pass, and have instead chosen a candidate whose interaction with women is often patronizing and inappropriate. Plenty of inconvenient truths to go around here.

  2. This factual list was posted precisely to clear the record. The Democrats want people to believe that they pioneered women's right when nothing can be further from the truth. The Republican Party has always been the trailblazing party for women and was, indeed, not only the first party to support women's rights and women's suffrage but had led the way right up till now. The GOP (as the list demonstrates) has far more women "firsts." The whole idea of a "war on women" is absolute nonsense and the facts prove that. And need we remind you that the Democrat Party "took a pass" on a woman nominee in 2008 and might very well have taken "a pass" this year had the convention and the votes not been manipulated as recent revelations have demonstrated.
