Saturday, July 9, 2016

What Do We Need? Veritas, Unitas, Caritas . . .

A message from the President of Villanova University:

Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends:
I am sure that all of us are experiencing a wide range of emotions this week as the news of these shootings continued to unfold. Regardless of the circumstance, all human life is sacred, and I know I speak for all Villanovans when I say our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the communities in St. Paul, Baton Rouge and Dallas. Let us all pray that they find peace in this period of grieving and unrest.

As these troubling incidents continue to occur, it’s hard not to feel helpless. Is there any way to stop this cycle of violence? Is there any solution? Honestly, I don’t know, but I do believe that our Augustinian values are a good place to start. Veritas … through a search for truth, we gain knowledge and ultimately wisdom. May this wisdom allow us to see the value and worth of all human life. Unitas … we are always stronger together. As a community, let us challenge these destructive tendencies and demonstrate our commitment to creating a world free of prejudice and judgement. Caritas … hatred only breeds more hatred. May we be examples to those around us that love is the only way to drive out hate.

I encourage all of us to take this opportunity to reflect on these values and how we live them. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and our nation during these troubling times. Let us build peace amid the chaos by showing compassion to those around us.


Fr. Peter Donohue, OSA

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