Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Another Dastardly Scheme To Rob Taxpayers!

New Jersey State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) issued the following statement after legislation was posted on the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee agenda giving large pay raises to members in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.
Sen. Jennifer Beck opposes pay increases for members of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. (Flickr)

“Before the ink was even dry on a 23-cent, $1.3 billion dollar gas tax increase, the public is once again subject to a cloak-and-dagger scheme. This time it’s a plan to give large pay increases to members of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government,” said Beck. “I will be voting ‘absolutely not’ on this proposal when it comes before me tomorrow as a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. I urge everyone to contact their legislators to tell them to oppose this expensive proposal. “This is just another example of politicians attempting to pass legislation when they feel that people are not paying attention due to the holidays. We saw it with the gas tax increase and we see it again with this last minute attempt to give large raises to the politically connected right before the holidays. While some may be in the giving spirit this season, surely our taxpayers are unwilling to give this sweetheart gift to public employees.”

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