Thursday, December 15, 2016

Did They Get They Message? Are They On Board?

President-elect Donald J. Trump today met with more than a dozen of the greatest tech leaders in the country to begin a conversation and partnership in order to spark innovation and create more jobs in the U.S., particularly for working Americans.

In addition to the private sector leaders in attendance, the President-elect was joined by Vice President-elect Mike Pence, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Peter Thiel, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Wilbur Ross, Gary Cohn and Stephen Miller.

During the meeting the President-elect discussed a wide range of issues impacting both American workers and American companies, including specific innovative solutions that have been blocked by narrow thinking in Washington.

The President-elect expressed an open mind and willingness to listen, which was greatly received by the industry leaders in attendance.

During the Tech Summit, the following topics were discussed:
  • Creating more jobs for American workers
  • Climinating barriers preventing American companies from doing business in other countries
  • America’s competitive trade dynamic and market access with China
  • Cutting taxes
  • Repatriation of American profits kept overseas by prohibitive tax rates
  • Improving our physical and digital infrastructures
  • Protecting our intellectual property rights
  • Improving America’s cybersecurity
  • Updating our government software systems
  • Technology in schools,
  • The need for greater vocational education opportunities
  • Reducing bureaucracy
  • Introducing greater accountability in the government procurement process.
The leaders in attendance also praised the ingenuity and energy of the American workforce, and President-elect Trump suggested reconvening the tech leaders again in the future, perhaps as frequently as every quarter.

Tech leaders in attendance included:
Jeff Bezos, Amazon
Safra Catz, Oracle
Tim Cook, Apple
Alex Karp, Palantir
Brian Krzanich, Intel
Elon Musk, Tesla
Satya Nadella, Microsoft
Larry Page, Google
Chuck Robbins, Cisco
Ginni Rometty, IBM
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook
Eric Schmidt, Google

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