Monday, February 6, 2017

He Predicted It Almost Perfectly . . . WOW!

Last night on Fox News, Bill O'Reilly interviewed President Trump and they got to talking about the Super Bowl.
And O'Reilly asked for a prediction on how the game would turn out.

Here's the full exchange:

O'REILLY: "Fox Sports is demanding that I ask you to make a prediction."
TRUMP: "Well I hate to make predictions."
O'REILLY: "But you have to."
TRUMP: "But I hate to do it. But I'll say --"
O'REILY: "-- Because I won't leave unless you do."
TRUMP: "I'll say -- I don't know, what are the odds? I guess it's pretty even, right? Two great teams."
O'REILLY: "Yeah."
TRUMP: "I'll say the Patriots will win."
O'REILLY: "By how many points?"
TRUMP: "By eight points."
O'REILLY: "That's a good presidential prediction."
TRUMP: "I shouldn't be doing those things but that's OK."
O'REILLY: "And you don't need any data."
TRUMP: "I need no data."

The final outcome -- decided in a sudden death overtime -- was Patriots 34, the Falcons 28. President Trump predicted it within TWO POINTS!

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