Friday, August 4, 2017

At A Critical Time, Wise Advice And Guidance!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

As students head off to college the next couple of weeks, it’s a good time to remind them about staying focused on the most important things.

Here are a few articles you may like to share with pastors, youth group leaders, and your friends and family who have students heading off to college: 

These articles are found in our popular magazine, My Future, My Faith, which is available for free online here.

As editor of The Newman Guide, I receive calls from parents who are worried about their student’s faith away from home—and it’s a legitimate worry! I recommend that the best defense is a good offense!

The importance of the first couple weeks of a college semester cannot be overstated. It’s a critical time for students to get involved with their faith and activities that will help surround them with good friends... the kind of friends who can help keep a person focused on God and the truly important things in life.

It breaks my heart when a parent tells me how their child went off to college and lost their faith. More often than not, the common thread in all of these stories is that their son or daughter fell in with the wrong crowd.

For me, this drives home the importance of reminding students to actively seek out activities and friends that will help them be holy!

Do you have thoughts or ideas for how students can protect and grow their faith on campus? Please share them on our Facebook page here!

And don’t forget to share this e-mail!

Thank you so much and God bless,

 Kelly Salomon
 Editor of The Newman Guide

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