Friday, August 4, 2017

Joining Together For A remarkable Cause!

Bishop Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, and Diocesan Postulator for the Cause of the Servant of God, Father Augustus Tolton, will celebrate Mass and preside over the commissioning ceremony and investment of fourteen Philadelphia Catholics as Tolton Ambassadors.

Sunday, August 6, 2017
10:00 a.m. Mass
Saint Raymond Penafort Church
1350 Vernon Road, Philadelphia PA 19150

Tolton Ambassadors are commissioned to share information with the faithful about the significance of Father Tolton’s Cause for Sainthood; promote prayer for the success of this cause; and educate others about the life and impact of Father Tolton.

The Father Tolton Guild (the official organization for the promotion of Father Tolton’s Canonization) launched the Tolton Ambassadors program in 2015 to support the guild and the Postulator for the Cause of Canonization. Philadelphians will join many other volunteer ambassadors in cities like Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta actively promoting Father Tolton’s Cause for Canonization.

Note: For more information on Father Tolton, please contact Father Richard Owens O.F.M. Cap., Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Black Catholics, at 215-587-3541 or visit

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