Monday, November 13, 2017

A Strong Signal for An Important Race!

Saturday, November 11, conservatives saw a big win in the selection of Rep. Rick Saccone to run for Tim Murphy's vacated 18th Congressional seat. Saccone won in the second round of balloting 123-91. He was endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, Pennsylvania Eagle Forum, and a number of other conservative groups.

"Rick has demonstrated the ability and determination to move our country in the right direction. We really need Rick in D.C. for us at this critical time" said Andy Schlafly of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. "While in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Rick has worked tirelessly for many causes that were so important to Phyllis Schlafly and all of us. Rick is exactly whom we need to replace Tim Murphy in congressional district 18."

We attribute this victory in great part to the fearless and tireless work of our Pennsylvania Eagle leaders. Particularly this weekend, Fran Bevan, former Pennsylvania Eagle Forum president, was one of Soccone's nominators and ready our endorsement of him to the conferees.

Pennsylvania's movements toward the right are also due to excellent leaders like current Pennsylvania Eagle President Ned Pfeifer and leader Jeff Steigerwalt. These two men have put enormous effort into shifting Pennsylvania toward the conservative, America First policies we elected Donald Trump to fight for.

These three individuals were instrumental in the huge success of this year's annual Pennsylvania Eagle Forum Dinners in August and September. These two events, held in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, are now in their eighth year. We are confident they have been a significant influence in turning Pennsylvania red.

This victory of Rick Saccone is just the latest in a line of successes around the efforts of Phyllis Schlafly's grassroots warriors in Pennsylvania!

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