Tuesday, November 7, 2017

At Home And Abroad, Leading With Foresight!

On the Home Front, Fighting for Tax Reform
The complexity of our current tax code is a burden on American taxpayers, leading to massive frustration, wasted time, and wasted money. President Donald J. Trump is working to reform our tax system to ensure Americans can keep more of their hard-earned money. Tax rates will be substantially reduced, loopholes disproportionately benefitting the wealthy will be eliminated, and most taxpayers will be able to file their taxes on a single page.

Learn more about the pro-job, pro-family, and pro-America Unified Framework for Tax Reform.

President Trump Visits Pyeongtaek, Republic of Korea
Last night, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump departed Tokyo for Pyeongtaek, Republic of Korea. Before meeting with President Moon Jae-In, the President and First Lady had lunch with service members from the United States and Republic of Korea at Camp Humphreys. Next, they were greeted with an arrival ceremony and a guestbook signing at the Blue House, President Moon’s residence. Later, President Trump participated in a bilateral meeting, friendship walk, and ajoint press conference with President Moon. The President and First Lady attended a state dinner together in the evening.

First Lady Melania Trump in Japan
During her trip to Japan, First Lady Melania Trump joined Mrs. Akie Abe for several cultural events. After the President and First Lady visited Yokota Air Force Base, Mrs. Trump flew to Tokyo and joined Mrs. Abe for tea and a cultural presentation on the history of the pearl industry. While the President and Prime Minister held a summit on the second day, Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Abe traveled to Kyobashi Tsukiji Elementary School to visit with local school children and receive a traditional calligraphy lesson.

“I enjoyed the time I was able to spend in Japan,” stated First Lady Melania Trump. “It was a pleasure to once again spend time with Mrs. Abe, and discuss many of the issues facing each of our nations. I learned so much about the rich traditions and history of this beautiful country, and want to personally thank Prime Minister and Mrs. Abe for being such gracious hosts.”

Read more about the First Lady’s visit to Japan here.

First Lady Melania Trump and Mrs. Abe visit with school children in Japan | November 6, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will participate in an Embassy meet and greet in Seoul, Republic of Korea, followed by a courtesy call with National Assembly leaders. Then, the President will deliver remarks to the National Assembly. After the President's remarks, President Trump and the First Lady will participate in a wreath laying ceremony, and then depart the Republic of Korea en route to Beijing, People's Republic of China. After arriving at the Beijing Airport, the President and First Lady will participate in a welcome tea with President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and Madame Peng Liyuan, followed by a tour of the Forbidden City and viewing of an opera performance. Later, the President and First Lady will have dinner with President Xi and Madame Peng.

Vice President Pence will travel to the U.S. Capitol to participate in a series of meetings with lawmakers and take part in the Senate Republican Policy Lunch.


Later this week, President Trump will travel to Vietnam and the Philippines, where he will participate in bilateral meetings and continue his Administration's efforts to denuclearize the North Korean regime.

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