Tuesday, November 7, 2017

She Asks DUMB Question; Gets What She Deserves!

After Chris Christie voted today at his polling place in Mendham, a voter asked him why in his eight years as governor, he hadn't merged the two Mendhams: Mendham Borough with Mendham Twownship. Christie tried to explain the situation but the voter wouldn't listen and insisted on arguing with him. So, you know what happened, right?
And this is why we still LOVE Chris Christie -- he takes no gruff from anyone.
He calls it like it is and tells it like it is.
He's a Jersey Guy through and through.
And, be sure of this: There will come a day that New Jerseyans will miss Governor Chris Christie and wish wish they had him back so that he would have THIER backs once again. And that day will come sooner than you think, New Jersey -- probably much sooner!
Don't EVER change, Gov! Keep givin 'em hell!

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